

Academia do Bacalhau Johannesburgo (Academia Mãe)  -   http://academiamae.com/   

Consulado de Portugal em Perth   -   http://www.embassypages.com/missions/embassy11559/

Consulado Geral de Portugal em Sydney -  http://www.consuladovirtual.pt/web/sidney 

Informaçao sobre a cidade de Perth  -        http://www.cityofperth.wa.gov.au/           

Portuguese in Western Australia - (facebook page) http://www.facebook.com/groups/192160790919850/

West Australian Portuguese Club, Fremantle -    http://waportugueseclub.com.au/

Portuguese of Perth Social Club (north of the river) -    http://www.portugueseofperth.org.au/

MORADA da Academia do Bacalhau de Perth - 46 Hopkins Way, Spearwood, WA 6163.