Ao abrigo do artigo 33 da nova
constituição, a Academia do Bacalhau de Perth comunica que vai realizar no dia
14 de Abril, em local e hora a anunciar, a sua reunião Anual, para a qual
solicitamos a vossa comparência.
Oportunamente anunciaremos a
hora e o local do evento.
Um Gavião de
Alberto Ribeiro

A. The name of the Association is: The Codfish Academy of Perth, Western Australia Inc.
B. The objects of the Association are:
The Perth Codfish Academy of Western Australian Inc. is a not-for-profit, independent and secular Association. The objects of the Association are to —
a. Pursue activities of a cultural, recreational and philanthropic nature such as:
1. Foment, encourage and develop friendship ties, cooperation and co fraternization, independent of the socio-cultural status of its members;
2. Foment, encourage and develop convivial and friendly relationships among diverse communities;
3. Foment, encourage and develop initiatives that contribute to the diffusion of the cultural values and tradition of the Portuguese-Australian community;
4. Foment, encourage and develop moral and financial assistance to charitable organisations;
C. Any ten members personally present (being members entitled to vote under these rules at a general meeting) will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a general meeting.
D. Any three committee members constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a committee meeting.
E. The association’s financial year will be the period of 12 months commencing on the 1st of January and ending on the 31st of December of each year.
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